Source code for apamax.eplapplications.eplapps

## License
# Copyright (c) 2020 Software AG, Darmstadt, Germany and/or its licensors

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
# file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
# either express or implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

import json
import os
import urllib
import codecs
from pathlib import Path

[docs]class EPLApps: """Class for interacting with Apama EPL Apps in Cumulocity IoT. :param connection: A C8yConnection object for the connection to the platform. """ def __init__(self, connection): self.connection = connection
[docs] def deploy(self, file, name='', description=None, inactive=False, redeploy=False): """ Deploys a local mon file to Apama EPL Apps in Cumulocity IoT. :param file: Path to local mon file to be deployed as an EPL app. :param name: Name of the EPL app to be uploaded (optional). By default this will be the name of the mon file being uploaded. :param description: Description of the EPL app (optional). :param inactive: Boolean of whether the app should be 'active' (inactive=False) or 'inactive' (inactive=True) when it is deployed. :param redeploy: Boolean of whether we are overwriting an existing EPL app. """ active = not inactive # Check EPL file specified is valid .mon file: if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Deploy failed. File \'{file}\' not found.') elif os.path.splitext(file)[1] != '.mon': raise TypeError(f'Deploy failed. \'{file}\' is not a valid .mon file.') # Check whether EPL app of that name already exists for tenant: try: existingEPLApps = self.getEPLApps() except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'Could not deploy EPL app. {err}') existingAppNames = [app['name'] for app in existingEPLApps] # If name option not specified, use name of the .mon file specified by default if name == '': # Removing file path (directories) up to name of file: filename = os.path.basename(file) name = filename[:filename.rfind('.mon')] if name in existingAppNames: if redeploy: try: updateArgs = {'file': file} if description is not None: updateArgs['description'] = description updateArgs['state'] = 'active' if active else 'inactive' self.update(name, **updateArgs) return except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'Unable to redeploy EPL app \'{name}\'. {err}') else: raise FileExistsError(f'Deploy failed. \'{name}\' already exists in Apama EPL Apps.') try: file_contents = self.__read_text_withBOM(file) except Exception as err: raise IOError(f"Deploy failed. {err}") try: body = { 'name': name, 'description': description or '', 'state': 'active' if active else 'inactive', 'contents': file_contents } responseBytes = self.connection.do_request_json('POST', '/service/cep/eplfiles', body, useLocationHeaderPostResp=False) response = json.loads(responseBytes) if active and len(response['errors']) > 0: self.delete(name) errorStrings = [] for error in response['errors']: errorStrings.append(f"[{os.path.basename(file)}:{error['line']}] {error['text']}") raise ValueError('\n'.join(errorStrings)) except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'Unable to deploy EPL app \'{name}\' using POST on {self.connection.base_url}/service/cep/eplfiles.\n{err}')
[docs] def update(self, name, new_name=None, file=None, description=None, state=None): """ Updates an EPL app in Cumulocity IoT. :param name: name of the EPL App to be updated. :param new_name: the updated name of the EPL app (optional) :param file: path to the local mon file containing the updated contents of the EPL app (optional) :param description: the updated description of the EPL app (optional) :param state: the updated state of the EPL app (optional) """ if new_name is None and file is None and description is None and state is None: raise ValueError(f"Update failed. Please specify at least 1 field to update.") try: appId = self.getAppId(name) except FileNotFoundError as err: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Update failed. {err}') except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'Update failed. {err}') body = {} if new_name is not None: body['name'] = new_name if description is not None: body['description'] = description if state is not None: if state.lower() in ('active', 'inactive'): body['state'] = state.lower() else: raise ValueError(f'Update failed. Invalid argument, \'{state}\', specified for the --state option. State can either be \'active\' or \'inactive\'.') if file is not None: # Check file is valid: if not os.path.exists(file): raise FileNotFoundError(f'Update failed. File \'{file}\' not found.') elif os.path.splitext(file)[1] != '.mon': raise TypeError(f'Update failed. \'{file}\' is not a valid .mon file.') try: contents = self.__read_text_withBOM(file) except Exception as err: raise IOError(f"Update failed. {err}") body['contents'] = contents try: responseBytes = self.connection.do_request_json('PUT', f'/service/cep/eplfiles/{appId}', body) response = json.loads(responseBytes) if len(response['errors']) > 0: errorStrings = [] for error in response['errors']: errorStrings.append(f"[{response['name']}:{error['line']}] {error['text']}") raise ValueError('\n'.join(errorStrings)) except Exception as err: raise ConnectionError(f'Unable to update EPL app \'{name}\' using PUT on {self.connection.base_url}/service/cep/eplfiles/{appId}.\n{err}')
[docs] def getAppId(self, appName: str, jsonEPLAppsList=None): """ Gets the id of EPL app for a given EPL app name. If no EPL app with appname exists, an exception is raised. :param appName: The name of the EPL app we wish to get the id of :param jsonEPLAppsList: A json collection of EPL apps :return: The id of the EPL app """ jsonEPLAppsList = jsonEPLAppsList or self.getEPLApps() for app in jsonEPLAppsList: if app['name'] == appName: return app['id'] raise FileNotFoundError(f'EPL app \'{appName}\' not found.')
[docs] def getEPLApps(self, includeContents=False): """ :param includeContents: Fetches the EPL files with their contents if True. This is an optional query parameter. :return: A json object of all the user's EPL apps in Cumulocity IoT. """ try: return self.connection.do_get(f'/service/cep/eplfiles?contents={includeContents}')['eplfiles'] except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'GET on {self.connection.base_url}/service/cep/eplfiles failed. {err}')
[docs] def delete(self, name: str): """ Deletes an EPL app in Cumulocity IoT. :param name: The name of the EPL app to be deleted. """ try: appId = self.getAppId(name) except FileNotFoundError as err: raise FileNotFoundError(f'Delete failed. {err}') except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'Delete failed. GET on {self.connection.base_url}/service/cep/eplfiles failed. {err}') try: self.connection.request('DELETE', f'/service/cep/eplfiles/{appId}') except Exception as err: raise OSError(f'Unable to delete EPL app \'{name}\' using DELETE on {self.connection.base_url}/service/cep/eplfiles. {err}')
def __read_text_withBOM(self, path): """ Thin wrapper for Path(<path>).read_text() . It assumes the file is UTF-8 encoded if it starts with the UTF-8 BOM, despite the current locale. This method is used internally to make the tool behave consistently with many text editors and IDEs on Windows, which also honour the UTF-8 BOM. Such a file is rendered correctly, therefore it should also be deployed correctly, else user expectations are confounded. :param path: The path to extract the text from """ if Path(path).read_bytes().startswith(codecs.BOM_UTF8): return Path(path).read_text(encoding="utf8") else: return Path(path).read_text()